Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

hey boy..what do you think about us?

yeahhh..one important question for me sebenernya apa si yg ada di pikiran kalian para pria2 ttg qt.. ttg perempuan,wanita,or else..
first impressionnya tu apa si? apa hny melulu soal fisik? maybe yes..and I'm really sure..
100% pasti jawabannya iya.. even,msg pria pst pny standar masing2.. I'm the one of lucky girl why? sepertinya hny pcr sy aja yg ga keberatan dgn body sy yg seperti org kena anoreksia fiuhhh,,tdk sama sekali,,sy bukan penderita anoreksia ato sbgnya cm ga tau knp ini body dr dulu seginiiii trs.. tp lama2 sdkt risih dgn keluhan org yg blg terlalu kurus lah,, oh God,this is my body..so knp mereka yg ribet? and now I try so hard to increase my weight mule dr beli obat cacing (biar tu cacing2 pd koit), beli obat cina,jamu.. rajin olahraga,selese olahraga lsg mkn.. finally,lumayanlah br nambah 2 kg :D uups,,actually topik utamanya bukan soal usaha sy naikin berat bdn yg mau dibahas.. tapi...seberapa tergodanya si pria dgn wanita?
batasan normal itu seberapa si? apakah pria yg blm lama dikenal tp brani blak2an talk about sex bs dibilang aneh? ato justru pria yg disuguhi body cewe yg menggoda hny diam jg bs dibilang aneh? Oh my God..give me the answer please..

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

passion for fashion (again..)

for some people fashion is a lifestyle..
with fashion her or him can express their style..
I really love fashion,but I'm not a fashionista,I'm not stylish at all..(tdk sm skali ;p)
I like to watch FTV,I enjoy for window shopping,
I never feel bored to browse any clothes or shoes..
and I have my own bussines..
I have online shop on facebook (hihihi ;D)
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